Cabinet of Curiosities

5 Cat Grooming Tips for Nervous Cats

5 Cat Grooming Tips for Nervous Cats

Cats spend up to 50 percent of their day self-grooming. Though they enjoy self-grooming, not all cats will tolerate being groomed by a groomer. Here are our top tips on how to groom an anxious cat. Help your cat form a positive association with grooming.
Why Do Cats Purr?

Why Do Cats Purr?

Why do cats purr? It might be because he's happy to see you, or hungry, or hurt and trying to regenerate his bones. Though purring is often associated with being happy, cats purr for various reasons. They purr when they are in pain and stressed too. Read on to find out more about the cats' purr.

Functional Cat Treats That Serve a Purpose

Functional Cat Treats That Serve a Purpose

Most of us will agree that treats are a daily indulgence for our kitties. So it's important we choose a cat treat with a healthy purpose! These functional treats are not just empty calories, they may even help to improve kitties’ quality of life.
Can You Train Cats?

Can You Train Cats?

Most people never consider training a cat because they assume cats are too independent and strong-willed to be trained. But this is not the case! With the right cat training tools and consistency, kitty can be trained basic obedience skills. Find out how with Curious Cat People.

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