Bio-X 3-in-1 Aerosol Spray (Insect Repellent + Disinfectant + Deodorizer)

By Bio-X


  • Bio-X 3-in-1 is a multi-purpose disinfectant spray with deodorising properties. Its unique formulation makes it safe for use on pets (even birds) while effectively eliminating pests, bacteria and fungi. Bio-X is the only product available in the market that is multi-function, water-based, the non-poisonous and green solution against insects, fungus, germs, bad odour and is ovicidal and larvicidal. It is also an insect repellent and plant-growth enhancer. Bio-X solution is a combination of bio-degradable insecticide chemical called Etofenprox with herbal & organic extracts that give Bio-X it's multi-functional and green properties.

      • Eco-friendly
      • 3-in-1 insecticide, disinfectant, deodorizer
      • Natural lemon fragrance
      • Kills all flying and crawling insects
      • Eliminates bacteria, viruses, and fungi
      • Removes bad odours
      • Non-staining on most surfaces
      • Safe for mammals and birds