Labivet Probiotics Oral & Gut Health For Dogs & Cats

By Labivet

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      • Labivet Probiotics + Oral Health is a pet supplement made from 100% human-grade raw materials. Labivet contains probiotics for Oral + intestines. Made with Oral Protect-L that reduces oral harmful bacteria that increases oral immune and beneficial bacteria. With patented PROLINE probiotics that withstands stomach acids, it is guaranteed (15 billion CFU Input, 1.5 billion CFU guaranteed) to reach the gut alive.


        • 15 billion CFU (with 1.5b confirmed)
        • PROLINE Probiotics - ensuring that it reaches the gut alive
        • Oral Health Care Formula - Spirulina, Propolis and Multi Herbs Extract Powder

        • Breed Size: All Breeds
        • Life Stage: All Stages
        • Size:2g x 30 ea (60)

          • "Patented PROLINE PROBIOTICS
            Proline is an amino acid produced by various plants as a defense material to survive extreme environments and when added to probiotics, increases their ability to withstand stomach acid and ensure gut health efficacy

            Oral Health Bone Ingredients
            Oral Protect L
            Reduce oral harmful bacteria / Increase in beneficial bacteria & oral immune substances

            Oral Health Care Formula
            Spirulina, Propolis and Multi Herbs Extract Powder

            Constipation Relief Probiotics
            Lactobacillus acidophilus
            Lactobacillus Plantarum
            Bifidobacterium lactis

            Clincally studied for 2 weeks to increase intestinal mucus to help stool discharge

            Prebiotics (Food for Probiotics)
            Isomalt, Indigestible Maltodextrin, Fructooligosaccharide, Chicory Extract Powder "